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Bekko Tombo



Image courtesy of the China Biodiversity, Conservation and Green Development Foundation

Bekko Tombo

Bekko tombo, also known as Libellula angelina, is a species of dragonfly. The bekko tombo lives in China, Japan, and North and South Korea. They are light brown with a darker stripe down their relatively short abdomen. Bekko tombo live in old ponds with moderate plant growth. Eggs hatch from May to June, nymphs live in open clear water, and a year later adults will emerge.

Why Are They Endangered?

The main reason the bekko tombo is endangered is loss of habitat. They need ponds with plants around it to successfully reproduce, and many of these are disappearing. Many of the reeds found around their ponds are cut down because they’re a fire hazard. Invasive species like the largemouth bass prey on the bekko tombo. There are currently less than 5,000 of these dragonflies left, making them critically endangered. 

What Can You Do?


Image courtesy of wikipedia commons

The Bekko Tombo's habitat

Images courtesy of the China Biodiversity, Conservation and Green Development Foundation

Luckily, in Japan, the bekko tombo dragonfly has been protected since 1993. Many organizations are working to protect this dragonflies habitat and informing parks not to cut down the reeds and vegetation that is imperative to the bekko tombo’s survival. You can help by telling people about this dragonfly, as smaller non-mammals are just as important to protect as large mammals. 

sources cited

Glenn, C. R. 2006. "Earth's Endangered Creatures - Bekko Tombo Facts" (Online) - Licensed article from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed 1/18/2021 at


Libellulidae - Common Skimmers: Wildlife Journal Junior. (n.d.). Retrieved January 18, 2021, from


Jingmei, N. (2019, June 30). From the Protection of Libellula Angelina to See the Typical Case of Eco-Civilization City Construction | CBCGDF Team Went to Tianjin Twice to Unite the Multi-Party to Guard the CCA for Libellula Angelina. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from

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